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    Here is a list of test centers in the area

    Rapid testing options in the surrounding districts of Freudenstadt and Calw:

    The rapid test options are constantly being developed and are also subject to changes. For your orientation and to easily obtain tests, we have an overview of links where you can register for the necessary rapid test. Please use the individual links to find out how a test can be scheduled and carried out:



    Loßburg:  https://www.lossburg.de/de/rathaus/rathausnachrichten/testangebot-der-gemeinde-lossburg-im-schnelltestzentrum-im-kinzighaus-wurde-ausgeweitet-id_1839/

    Freudenstadt: https://schnelltestzentrum-freudenstadt.de/

    Many DM drugstore markets also offer free rapid tests. You can search by postcode here: https://www.dm.de/services/services-im-markt/corona-schnelltest-zentren-613504#filialfinder

    DM Drugstore Markt Freudenstadt: https://corona-schnelltest-zentren.dm.de/webform/xoDsDXE9BF9y4iwC/

    Rappen Pharmacy Freudenstadt: https://www.rappen-apotheke.de/content/Corona-Testung.150.html


    Lots of testing sites and online booking options for rapid testing in Baiersbronn:




    https://www.seewald.eu/buerger/rathaus-service/rathaus-aktuell?tx_hwnews_hwnews%5Baction%5D=show&tx_hwnews_hwnews%5Bcontroller%5D=Newsartikel&tx_hwnews_hwnews%5BnewsartikelId%5D=11&cHash=0143118bbb528d96ad3b8b 034bd4a8d3

    Calw district There are several test stations in the Calw district here (Ferienhaus Enzklösterle linked):



    Here you can search for pharmacies in Baden-Württemberg by zip code : https://www.lak-bw.de/service/patient/antigen-schnelltests.html

    Dornstetten test center without registration:


    You can search for pharmacies here:  https://apo-schnelltest.de/testcenter-nden

    Further options in the area:  https://www.schwarzwaelder-bote.de/content.kostenlose-schnelltests-hier-find-sie-die-angebote-im-kreis-freudenstadt.5c97d364-fc42-4c11-8b3f-1bce93875c2b. html

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