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    My friend Lukas is traveling to the Nordcap for the children's hospice!

    Dierle at the pole

    My friend Lukas is traveling to the Nordcap for the children's hospice!

    Brrrrr… clatter… clatter. Are those my teeth? No, the icicles in front of my cave are making so much noise again. It's gotten a little warmer, but it's still far too cold for a dierle with sun ears. It's time to visit the cozy, warm dream holiday homes again.

    My friend Lukas, on the other hand, rolls down a hill humming enthusiastically. I met Lukas last week and I can tell you: he is a real adventure bear! That's why he wants to travel to the North Cape with his people Basti and Jonas. And because that's not enough adventure, the three travel without any money. Not possible, do you think? Then be curious about Lukas' report.

    Because Lukas is a real hero! And because heroes support other heroes, the campaign raises money for the children's hospice in Stuttgart.

    Because I find this not only cold, but also extremely cool, I of course motivated my people - the 6 Roths from the dream holiday homes - to donate. Very sweet, with at most a tiny ear twitch. Big Schwobold word of honor!

    You can follow Luka's adventures on Facebook.

    You can find the link, the donation account and other exciting information here:


    Are you there too?

    With excited Schwoboldgrünzen

    Your Dierle from the dream holiday homes


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